Two of my closest friends have been urging me to document my stories for years. The things I’ve told them over glasses of wine, sleepy Sunday mornings wrapped up together; snippets shared via text messages, giggles during car rides, train journeys and often one-sided phone calls.
I haven’t really known how to proceed, truthfully.
Then, I thought, maybe a live memoir would work. So here it is: a collection of thoughts, musings, longings and other feelings that live right on top of my skin. There will be things that have happened to me, and things I would like to happen to me at some point in the future. Good, bad, ugly… and everything in between.
Every time I write, I think of myself as a small child finger painting on giant white walls. I giddily squelch my fingers into bright primary colours and joyfully smear them across an entirely forbidden canvas. I explore colour, texture and emotions in the most messy way possible. This is largely how my brain works, so I expect this is how a live memoir will work.
I like to whimsically scrapbook my moments anyway. Particularly the ones that encourage snorts of laughter and other such emotions. Sometimes I write things that leave me with more questions than answers, but I’m always compelled to write more.
Here you’ll find my daydreams, my adventures, my endless curiosity and both my highs and my lows. My vulnerability, my pain, my strength, my whimsy and my humour. I hope you find them charming, odd, disastrous, delicious, wonderful, magical and sometimes a little mundane.
My life is a little like a cocktail; a generous splash of whimsy, a dash of silliness, maybe even rebellion, and then topped to the brim with love and garnished most often with lessons learned and a desire for growth. Sometimes there’s more whimsy, sometimes there’s a total absence of love… But even with the mishaps, the triumphs, and everything in between, I hope I leave you with a smile on your face. For I am Vicki: a swashbuckling, romantic human woman and I have a lot I’d like to say to you.