There’s power in solitude, believe me.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand that connection with others is equally important in weaving the golden threads of a good life – laughter with friends, the quiet comfort of being in a loved one’s presence – they’re vital. But with the relentless pursuit of external connection and validation perpetually purported to be our saviour, I firmly believe that we’re losing sight of the importance of connecting with ourselves.

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On female rage…

Yes, we are feminine; we are the shelter from the storm, but rest assured: we are also the fucking storm. We are the gathering clouds, exhausted from years of quiet observations, comments, patronising, subtle, persistent moments of being undervalued; the patriarchal pronouncements, the dismissals, the undercurrent of doubt that threatens to shroud us in perpetual shade.

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Will this work?

We are all, after all, delicate creatures of routine and solitude, and new connections demand a shift; a recalibration of what is familiar to us. And that in itself can be scary; vulnerability requires connection, after all, so we’re immediately on edge – assessing.

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That’s all.

I want to roll over into arms that understand the strength it takes to wear my armour all day long. I want to be held by arms that appreciate how important it is that, with them, I can cast my armour aside to be warm and open and gentle; completely vulnerable without fear.

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